Friday, May 19, 2006

Blind as a Bat

Well, I started writing this post yesterday, and lost the whole thing in another computer crash. My ego is being tested, as I was so proud of my new laptop purchase.

A brief summary of this week, as I fear another crash:
Wednesday - played soccer for the club I coach and play for. We lost our final game of the tournament, forcing elimination. Close game, 1-0, disappointing. Also watched my team Arsenal lose to Barcelona in a very close 2-1 European Champion's League final ending at 4 am.

Thursday: woke up early to meet my replacement, and then flight delayed until afternoon. spent afternoon chatting about the project. went to shelter coordination mtg. and discovered our timber donor is closing their project in september, even though they started delivering wood 6 months late, so they expect us all to receive double the targeted amount each month until then. I need space for 2 acres of wood every month, and trucks to move it.

Friday: woke up in the middle of the night with burning eyes, photosensitive. spent morning briefing new manager (I hope they stay, they're still not confirmed), and spent the afternoon in bed. Pain in eyes kept waking me.

Saturday: this morning the pain is still there, I will go see the paramedic (our only medical staff available) to have a look in my eyes, I may have to fly to Medan for treatment. Doesn't seem to be infection, telltale signs not there, I suspect abrasion or allergic reaction. The second half of the couple that should replace me arrives this morning, so they are going to visit the project with Tumpal, my project coordinator, while I hide in the office and take painkillers. That's it for now! Chris


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris

Thanks for the link to your blog. It's great to read what you've been up to. Bev tells me she was talking to you on MSN at Jenn's & her house. I hope all goes well as you prepare to come back to Canada.


Anonymous said...

It seems like it's a whole different world over there - but no matter where you go, there's always soccer! I was at a fundraiser the other day for that Rwanda trip this summer, and what did they have on the table... a soccer ball made of banana leaves, all wrapped up into a ball!
About those pictures on my website... if you really want me to buy you some clothes from value village so you can dress up... i can do it!! actually I'm sure Beth would want to do it more! (ask her where she got her clothes from!) haha
Hope your eye problem isn't serious!